Thank you for purchasing one of our keyword lists.
We have made every effort to assure a quick and easy integration into your future Lightroom workflow with the most up to date taxonomic information. Unfortunately, in the scientific world there are few absolutes. One may find several common names for the same species or may find several spellings for either the common or the Latin taxonomic name. All may be correct as there are many scientists compiling these lists.
We suggest that before using the keyword List, it would be helpful for users to read Adobe’s tutorial section on working with keywords. The directions we include are not meant to be a complete tutorial on the use of keywords in Lightroom, but these directions are meant to help users have a more efficient and timely workflow when using your keyword List.
***We cannot overstate the importance of using Lightroom’s right column “Keywording” Enter Keywords text box. Even though there are different ways to assign keywords, entering keywords in the right Keywording panel is the only way to assure all the correct parent keywords are assigned to an image and is by far the easiest way to assign keywords using the keyword List. Most species names of plants and animals are children of their Latin taxonomic names. Instructions valid as of Lightroom Classic Version 10.
Quick Guide to integration of your new keyword list.
1. Download your newly purchased copy of your keyword List and save it to your hard drive.
2. Copy your newly purchased copy of the your keyword List to another media for safe storage and backup.
3. Open Lightroom using any method.
4. Choose the catalog where you want your new keyword List to be functioning, by going to the menu bar at the top of Lightroom’s Library module and select File>Open Catalog. *
5. Upon selecting the name of a new or recent catalog, Lightroom will re-launch with the new catalog open.
6. Navigate to the menu bar at the top of Lightroom’s Library module and select Metadata>Import Keywords.
7. An Import Keywords dialog box will open. Navigate to where you saved your keyword List. Select the desired list you wish to import. Click on the “Open” button.
8. Lightroom may give a message “It might take a few minutes to download the keyword list”. Please wait until the keyword list is visible in the right “Keywords List” panel.
9. Your keyword List is now installed and ready for integration into your workflow.
1. To facilitate workflow, we have added a list of generic keywords that do not have the genus or species attached. This list has the proper scientific family as a parent, which has a parent keyword of "Needs More". For instance, if one knows they have taken a picture of a species, but they do not know exactly which species is in the image, they will be able to only assign the common name of the species to the image. When the exact type of animal is researched and found, then the user would: access the "Filter Keywords" panel under the Library module's right "Keywords List" palate, type in "Needs More" (without the quotation marks) then every image in their library that needs more information for proper scientific identification will appear. The user can then select the "Needs More (insert species common name)" and assign its correct common name with genus and species. After correctly assigning the common name with genus and species, the user may then delete the old common species keyword from the newly classified images, thus deleting Needs More from being assigned to the now properly identified image.
*One may choose to add your new keyword List into the existing catalog, open an existing catalog, or create a new catalog.
** For more information on working with catalogs, please read our tutorial: “How to Export and Import images from one computer to another in Lightroom”.
*** These instructions are for Lightroom versions 2.0 to CURRENT VERSION. Future versions of Lightroom may make some instructions obsolete, so be sure and check the tutorials with the new versions of Lightroom
Lightroom library catalog (.lrcat file) + Your photos folder(s) = Lightroom’s library.